Keep Slack Always Active

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When You Want To Appear Online In Slack...
Even When You're Not.

Stay Active On Slack

Slack will automatically set your presence to 'away' after 30 minutes of inactivity - and if you're not interacting with it you will appear 'away' or 'offline'. This is annoying and will signal to others that you are not available to talk or are not at your computer.

Well no more! This Presence Scheduler is here to help you keep slack always active and online as well as monitor your presence activity. We use the Slack API to set your presence to "auto" every 15 minutes, which means that it will help you appear "active" even when your not at your computer working.

Now you can be sure that you will appear online and available to speak to others. Get ready to take back your day with this amazing life hack!
people online in slack

How can I appear online on slack all time?

Presence Scheduler Connects to the API
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To help keep you online and active in Slack, we use the Slack API as well as a Slack appliction we created in the slack app directory.

To keep it simple, when you connect your workspace to our Presence Scheduler, we get an "API Key" to use on your behalf which allows us to interact with the Slack API to set your presence on slack. We have a scheduler which you can use to change your presence to active for any hours of the day or week that you choose!

For security reasons we have not called our appliction "Presence Scheduler", which means that no one will be able to trace the appliction back to us and find out you are using our appliction. See the FAQ's for more security and privacy information.

To set this up and connect your slack workspace, please login and then visit the workspace page. There you can click the "Add Workspace With Oauth" button which will allow you to connect your workspace to our website through Oauth. We offer a free trial to get started so click below to see our main Presence Scheduler Package!

Presence Scheduler Features:

Free Trial
Create an account and test out Presence Schededuler with a 7 day free trial! When your ready, upgrade to a paid plan to keep keep using Presence Scheduler and get additional features.

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Stay Online In Slack
Keep slack always active, with the green dot next to your name whenever you want. Our app prevents you from going offline, or having your status turn to away whenever you choose!

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Slack Online Scheduler
Choose what time zone you are in, and what hours you want to remain online and we will have Slack Presence keep you online and active during this time.

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Monitor Slack Status
We track your slack status and provide historical charts, graphs and data you can download. Purchase our Account History Subscription to keep track!

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Slack Status

What is the difference between your Slack Status and Slack Presence? Your Slack Status refers to the status you have given yourself, such as: "working remotly", "out to lunch", or "On Holiday". Your Slack Presence refers to if you are "active" or "away" and an active presence shows your slack availability, and if you are online and active in slack or not.

Read more questions and answers in the FAQ
